Regardless of the firearm scope of use and the qualification of its user, every shot, even the most accurate one, leads to the formation of contamination in the barrel and a decrease in its resource. There will come a time when the shot group will not correspond to the technical capabilities of the weapon.
Aggressive contamination of the barrel occurs as a result of the formation of products of gunpowder combustion. They create an alkaline environment that promotes the start of corrosion processes and the destruction of the inner surface of the barrel.
The bullet, moving in the barrel, leaves on its inner surface particles of its copper shell, which are also identified as a contaminating agent.
High-quality care of weapons, timely and correct maintenance will help preserve the resource of weapons, lack of maintenance will become a catalyst and accelerate destructive processes.
Gune care products:
- Carbon Remover - is used for cleaning rifled and smooth-bore weapons, semi-automatic weapon, muzzle breaks and any parts of weapons that are prone to heavy clogging with gunpowder residue
- Cuprum Remover - is used for cleaning the bore from copper deposits..
- Carbon and Cuprum Remover - universal 2 in 1 solution, used for effective cleaning of weapons from carbon and copper.
- Weapon Cleaner and Dergeaser - is used for cleaning and degreasing parts of rifled and smoothbore weapons